Wednesday, January 27, 2010


It's another day here at my internship. I spent the morning in "protective time" which is basically just an excuse to bitch about coworkers and patients. I honestly don't know why I am forced to go to these meetings. After all I am just an intern, and my supervisor doesn't even go to them. But I suppose they do waste a couple of hours and it's not like I have a ton of other things to do. So, I usually just sit there and nod my head as people complain about other coworkers who aren't doing their job. Today one of our team members got upset and started screaming at another team member because they weren't "rotating" when it was their turn to do so. Needless to say the other team member screamed back and it was eventually decided that they would rotate-as they should do anyways. What always gets me about these meetings is that everyone is supposed to bring food, I never do because I never remember when protective time is and well I don't care all that much. But, since I never bring food I also never eat anything during these things. People find it odd that I don't eat anything and I've tried to explain to them that I never remember to bring a dish myself--but people still think I'm weird for not pigging out like everyone else does. Do you notice how weird people get about food??

It's almost like they feel guilty for eating in front of you so they have to make you feel bad for not eating anything. Anyways, after this 2 hour long meeting I finally got to escape as I had to go to the Social Work meeting. I tend to like Wednesdays because I have the social work meeting to go to. All the students get together and talk about a case or a client who they would like some insight about. Today we just talked about the women's program. Afterward we get together and eat lunch which is also nice. It's just a great way to waste half the day. I always tell myself on Wednesdays--really I only have 4 hours that I have to work--since half my day is taken up by the social work meeting and of course lunch.

On a different topic- it was difficult getting out of bed this morning. My alarm went off when I was right in the middle of a dream. I just hate when that happens. It's not like it was a great dream or anything but I wanted to know how it would end. Of course it's almost impossible to go back to dreaming after you've been rudely awoken by an alarm. But alas, I got my lazy butt out of bed, showered, and got my daughter ready for daycare. I have the mornings down to a science and it only takes me 45 minutes total to get ready in the morning.

It's cold here, this morning it was 7 degrees outside. I didn't think I was going to make it to the door without freezing to death. I'm dreading going back to my car tonight when it will probably be just as cold if not colder out. Parking is always an issue here so it's nothing to walk a couple blocks in order to get to where you're going. I suppose I should be grateful though because I no longer live on the east side--where I had to find street parking every night and walk sometimes 4 blocks to get home. But parking is still an issue-especially in the winter. With all of that said, I think I have updated you on today's happenings. I'm going to try to think warm thoughts tonight as I freeze my butt of getting to my car.

1 comment:

  1. I love it when you can get a break like that during the day...

    I bet your co-workers would soon bitch about you if you did eat without bringing anything. Perhaps take something healthy next week and just eat one or two things ;o)

    Is that 7 degrees Farenheight? yikes if it is!
